Proverbial Sea

Was this ever a comfort? You. Me. 
The ebbing and flowing of the tumultuous sea. 
Bringing us in and pushing us out, 
far from the reach of one and the other. 
But perhaps it is just as it was meant to be. 
The sea, the reason that neither could see. 
The why and the how are questions complete. 
Answers provided by the proverbial sea.

I once refused to see anything but thee, 
swearing myself to a life by the sea. 
But of course, then I saw how unreliable it was. 
I sank my feet in and buried them deep, 
the sand, a warm comfort that I thought could always be. 

But then storm after storm crashed forth into the sea,
the sand and the grit washing away from me. 
Then the howling winds and the swaying breeze, 
pushed me out and farther to sea.

I thought perhaps it was you that I saw 
as I pushed towards the top of the foam-laced sea. 
I saw in the distance and suddenly breathed in the light 
and the reason of the tall standing beam. 

But as I swam close and took in the salty sea, 
deliriously swimming in this proverbial sea,
the lighthouse that stood was never meant to be thee.
Instead, there he stood, a man scarcely seen, 
sweeping me in and being the warmth that I need. 
Steady and firm on the coast that he kept, 
never bending to the current or swaying in the breeze.
Unlike you, so unsteady and unsure 
he stood and protected like you never could.


Shapes of Sorrow


The Bow and the Blade