In The Silence
Short | Thriller
What waits for us in the silence?
"In the Silence is a powerful and well-crafted exploration of a girl who has dealt with mental illness starting from a very young age. The short film script succeeds at literally getting inside Eva’s mind as she attempts to reconcile who Leah is and whether she can live without her. Also, the way the writer juxtaposes both Eva and her mother dealing with “silence” (in Eva’s case coping without Leah’s voice guiding her, and in Bethany’s case not having Leah) is both clever and heartbreaking." - Filmmatic Short Screenplay Awards Feedback
In The Silence appears on the Coverfly Red List and has garnered five accolades, including:
⦾ Finalist, Filmmatic Short Screenplay Awards 4th
⦾ Finalist, Richmond International Film Festival Screenplay Competition 2020
⦾ Quarterfinalist, Los Angeles International Screenplay Awards Fall 2020
⦾ Second Rounder, ScreenCraft Film Fund Spring 2019
⦾ Semifinalist, Filmmatic Horror Screenplay Awards 5
I Will Always Love You
Feature | Romance
After fifteen years, a free-spirited teacher spends the summer at her family’s ranch in Montana and finds herself falling for a charming cowboy that might be the right person at the wrong time in her life.
“The beautiful set pieces around Montana create an adventurous atmosphere to follow Josephine’s journey. Josephine and Harrison’s connection is well written with sexual tension as they form a special, romantic bond.
Tom is captivating and his relationship with Harrison is solid to be almost like a father and son showing them work together and Tom intending on leaving the ranch to him.The realistic drama and characters in an authentic community are consistently engaging and relatable to the audience. Josephine is able to blend in seamlessly with the working class culture based on her time growing up to create an interesting lead perspective that is easy to root for.”
I Will Always Love You has garnered three accolades, including:
⦾ Quarterfinalist, ScreenCraft Family Screenplay Competition 2022
⦾ Quarterfinalist, Filmmatic - Inroads Fellowship Season 4
⦾ Quarterfinalist, Filmmatic - Pitch Now Screenplay Competition Season 4
Something Old, Something New
Television (1 Hour) | Drama
Co-Written with Nicole Ackman
After a deadly global pandemic killed 30 million Americans, the conservative-led government implements an insidious program designed to repopulate America by forcing unmarried citizens between the ages of twenty-two and forty-two into arranged marriages.
“This was a measured project that didn't rely on flashy, over-the-top situations to illustrate the devastation caused by a pandemic. It seemed like you carefully looked at the fallout from 2020 and imagined how a reality with an overreaching conservative government might have played out. This is a mature project that forces people to imagine the repercussions of that kind of administration, the role of government in reproductive rights, and the duty of American citizens when it comes to the propagation of the species during times of crisis.” — WeScreenplay Evaluation
Something Old, Something New has garnered two accolades, including:
⦾ Semifinalist, Richmond International Film Festival Screenplay Competition 2021
⦾Quarterfinalist, Filmmatic TV Pilot Awards Season 6
Like Hell
Television (Half Hour) | Drama
Clara thought her biggest concern would be living with her sister in a haunted townhome and choosing a new dissertation topic after her ex-boyfriend stole her thesis, but nothing could have prepared her for catching the eye of the demon Azazel and triggering a demonic war.
“With its mixture of a larger than life demonic world and a grounded sister relationship at its heart, this unique horror comedy follows Zoe and Clara as they prepare for college, only to have their lives flipped upside down by ghostly forces. Right out of the gate, the writer immediately brings the reader into the world through an active opening that provides key character details as the girls unpack and prepare for their new college lives. These first few scenes showcase a great amount of natural character exposition while maintaining a light tone, and even does just enough to set up the horror elements that are to come later in the script.” — The Black List Evaluation
Like Hell has garnered two accolades, including:
⦾ Quarterfinalist, The Script Lab - TSL Free Screenplay Contest 2022
⦾ Finalist, Big Apple Film Festival Screenplay Competition Spring 2022
⦾ Quarterfinalist, Richmond International Film Festival Screenplay Competition 2022
⦾ Quarterfinalist, Screenwriters Network - SWN TV Pilot Screenplay Competition 2021
Feature Adaptation | Historical
Far from the frontlines of The Great War, a soldier's tragic death sends him back home, where a young woman he has never met is waiting for him.
“A clear strength of Tryst is the script’s concept, which constructs a highly original love story full of conflict and tragedy. The way the script establishes both Sabrina and Hilary as outsiders in their family creates a sense of anticipation for the audience as wait for the two to meet, even after Hilary’s death, as the mystery of why he’s returned as a ghost gives us an unresolved feeling that something is bound to happen between the two of them. The concept of building the shape of the story around Sabrina falling more and more for a man she can never be with is a heart-wrenchingly effective strategy, as it forces us to continue rooting for them despite the impossibility of their relationship. The script also poses compelling thematic questions through the characters of Effie and Mrs. Pilton, who take up oppositional opinions on Sabrina’s love for Hilary, as well as Alan, who is caught somewhere in the middle of the two. Having characters with varied takes on the central conceit of the story allows the audience room to decide how they feel about Sabrina as well, rather than forcing us into a particular perspective with didactic storytelling.” — WeScreenplay Evaluation
Quarter Finalist in Big Apple Film Festival Screenplay Competition (2023).
Hindsight 3030
10-Episode Audio Drama | Sci-Fi
Co-Written with Nicole Ackman
When a junior-level marketing assistant at a tech start-up gets pulled into her boss’ project, she finds herself stuck in the year 3030. To find her way home she has to work alongside chaotic scavengers, overzealous officers, and dashing pirates.
Hindsight 3030 hasn’t entered the festival circuit.
Hindsight 3030 hasn’t entered the festival circuit.
Spec Scripts
The Sisters Black
Adapted PIlot Spec (Co-Written with Nicole Ackman)
Available Upon Request
The Mandalorian
Season 2 Episode Spec
Available Upon Request